

  1. Yagci, M. and Bakir, C. (2020). Çin Bilmecesi: Çin’in Ekonomik Yükselişi, Uluslararası İlişkilerde Dönüşüm ve Türkiye  [The Chinese Puzzle: The Economic Rise of China, Transformations in International Relations, and Turkey ] Istanbul: Koc Universitesi Yayinlari.

  2. Bakir, C. and Ertan, G. (2018). Policy Analysis in Turkey. Bristol: University of Bristol Policy Press.

  3. Bakir, C. and Jarvis, D. (2018). Institutional Entrepreneurship and Policy Change: Theoretical and Empirical Explorations. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

  4. Brenan, L., and Bakir, C. (2016). Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe. London: Routledge. (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy).

  5. Bakir, C. (2016). Dunyayla Is Yapanlar: Kuresellesme Surecinde Turk Cokuluslulari (Doing Global Business: Turkish Multinationals in the Globalisation Process). Istanbul: Koc Universitesi Yayinlari.

  6. Bakir, C. (2015). Kriz Bankaciligi: Kuresel Finansal Krizlerde Banka Davranisi ve Dayaniklilik. Istanbul: Koc University Press. (Bakir 2013 translated to Turkish).

  7. Bakir, C. (2013). Bank Behaviour and Resilience: The Effects of Structures, Institutions and Agents. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

  8. Bakir, C. (2013). Ulke Deneyimleri Isiginda Kuresel Kriz ve Yeni Ekonomik Duzen ( Country Experiences During the Global Financial Crisis and New World Order) Ankara: Iletisim Yayinlari (in Turkish with F. Senses, and Z. Onis).

  9. Bakir, C. (2007). Merkezdeki Banka ve Uluslararasi Bir Karsilastirma (Bank in the Centre: The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey and an International Comparison).  Istanbul: Bilgi University Press (in Turkish).

Edited Journal Special Issues (SSCI)

  1. Bakir, C., (2022). “What does comparative policy analysis have to do with structure, institution, and agency debate?“,  Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 24:5, 415-527.

  2. Bakir, C. and Jarvis, D. (2017) Institutional Entrepreneurship and Institutional Change in Public Policy: Linking Ideas, Actors and Institutions“, Policy and Society, 36, 465-631.

  3. Bakir, C. and Woo, J.J. (2016). Institutional and Policy Design for the Financial Sector”, Policy and Society, 35, 193-282.

Edited Journal Special Section (SSCI)

    1. Bakir, C. (2016). Special Section on “Emerging Country Multinationals”, International Relations Journal. 13(49): 61-130.

Journal Articles in Social Sciences Citation Index

  1. Jungblut, J. Bakir, C. (2024). “Out of the ivory tower: an explanation of the Policy advisory roles of political scientists in Europe”, European Political Science, 23:272–296.

  2. Bakir, C. (2023). “The vicious circle of policy advisory systems and knowledge regimes in consolidated authoritarian regimes“, Policy and Society 42(3), 419–439.

  3. Bakir, C., (2022). “What Does Comparative Policy Analysis Have to Do with the Structure, Institution and Agency Debate?”, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 24:5, 415-429.

  4. Bakir, C. (2022). “Why Do Comparative Public Policy and Political Economy Scholars Need an Analytic Eclectic View of Structure, Institution and Agency?,” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 24:5, 430-451.

  5. Yagci, M. and Bakir, C.  (2021). “Bridging International Political Economy, and Public Policy and Administration Research on Central Banking” Policy and Society, 40:4, 502-521.

  6. Bakir, C., Akgunay, S., and Coban, M.  (2021). “Why does the combination of policy entrepreneur and institutional entrepreneur roles matter for the institutionalization of policy ideas?“, Policy Sciences, 54, 397-422.

  7. Bakir, C. (2021). “Actions, Contexts, Mechanisms and Outcomes in Macroprudential Policy Design and Implementation“, Public Policy and Administration 36:2, 205–231.

  8. Bakir, C. (2020). “The Turkish state’s responses to existential COVID-19 crisis“,  Policy and Society, 39:3, 424-441.

  9. Bakir, C. and Gunduz, A. (2020). The importance of policy entrepreneurs in developing countries: A systematic review and future research agenda“, Public Administration and Development, 40:11-34.

  10. Bakir, C. and Coban, K. (2019). How Can a Seemingly Weak State in the Financial Services Industry Act Strong? The Role of Organizational Policy Capacity in Monetary and Macroprudential Policy“, New Perspectives on Turkey , 61:71-96.

  11. Bakir, C. (2019). “How do mega-bank merger policy and regulations contribute to financial stability? Evidence from Australia and Canada”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform 22:1, 1-15.

  12. Bakir, C. (2017). “Policy learning and policy change: learning from research citations”, Policy Sciences50:585–597.

  13. Bakir, C. and Jarvis, D. (2017). “Contextualising the Context in Policy Entrepreneurship and Institutional Change”, Policy and Society36(4):465-478.

  14. Bakir, C. and Gunduz, A. (2017). “When, Why and How Institutional Change Takes Place and Policy Entrepreneurship Matters in Macroeconomic Bureaucracies: A Systematic Review and a Future Research Agenda”, Policy and Society36(4):479-503.

  15. Bakir, C. (2017). “How can interactions among interdependent structures, institutions, and agents inform financial stability? What we have still to learn from global financial crisis”, Policy Sciences, 50(2): 217-239.

  16. Bakir, C. and Woo, J.J. (2016).  “Financial sector reform and policy design in an age of instability”, Policy and Society, 35(3): 193-204.

  17. Bakir, C. (2015). “Bargaining with Multinationals: Why State Capacity Matters”, New Political Economy, 20(1): 63-84.

  18. Bakir, C. (2015). “Fragile by Design: The Political Origins of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit“, Public Administration, 93(3): 828-829. (Book Review)

  19. Bakir, C. (2012). “Maliye Burokrasisinde Orgutsel Degisim ve Vergi Denetim Kurulu Baskanliginin Kurulmasi” (Organisational Change in Fiscal Bureaucracy and the Establishment of Tax Inspection Board) Amme Idaresi Dergisi (Journal of Public Administration) 45(2): 81-102.

  20. Bakir, C. and Onis, Z. (2010). “The Emergence and the Limits of the Regulatory State: The Political Economy of Turkish Banking Reforms in the Age of Post-Washington Consensus”, Development and Change, 41(1): 77-106.

  21. Bakir, C. (2009). “The Governance of Financial Regulatory Reform: The Australian Experience”, Public Administration, 87(4): 910-922.

  22. Bakir, C. (2009). “Policy Entrepreneurship And Institutional Change: Multi-level Governance Of Central Banking Reform”, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, 22(4): 571-598.

  23. Bakir, C. (2009). “Wobbling but still on its feet: Turkish Economy in Global Financial Crisis”, South European Society & Politics, 14(1): 71-85.

  24. Bakir, C. With Z. Onis. (2007). “Turkey’s Political Economy in the Age of Financial Globalization: The Significance of the EU Anchor”, South European Society & Politics, 12(2): 147-164.

  25. Bakir, C. (2005). “The Exoteric Politics of Bank Mergers in Australia”, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 51(2): 235-256.

  26. Bakir, C. (2003). “Who Needs a Review of the Financial System in Australia? The Case of The Wallis Inquiry”, Australian Journal of Political Science, 38(3): 511-534.

Book Chapters

  1. Bakir, C., Bali, A.S., Howlett, M., Lewis, J. M. Schmidt, S. (2024) ‘Teaching Policy Design: Topics and Techniques’ in Philippe Zittoun & Emily St Denny eds., (pp.278-292), Handbook of Teaching Public Policy. London, New York: Edward Elgar.

  2. Bakir, C., and Bolukbasi, T.  (2022). “Changing Policy Advisory Dynamics in the 2000s: The Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in Turkey”, in Marleen Brans and Arco Timmermans eds., (pp.307-331) The Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

  3. Bali, A.S., Bakir, C., Howlett, M., Lewis, J. M. Schmidt, S. (2022). “Teaching Policy Design: Topics and Techniques”, in Philippe Zittoun & Emily St Denny eds.,  Handbook of Teaching Public Policy. London & New York: Edward Elgar.

  4. Bakir, C., Akgunay, S., and Coban, K. (2021). “Financial Turbulence and Crisis” in Eric Stern (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Crisis Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (in Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Politics series).

  5. Bakir, C., Akgunay, S. and Coban, K. (2021). “The European Union Financial Crisis” in Eric Stern (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Crisis Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (in Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Politics series).

  6. Bakir, C., and Coban, K. (2021). “Finance and Monetary Policy Styles” in Howlett, M., and Tosun, J. (eds.) (pp.135-149) The Routledge Handbook of Policy Styles. New York: Routledge.

  7. Yagci, M. and Bakir, C. (2020). “Dönüşen Küresel Sistem, Çin ve Türkiye” [Transformation of Global System, China and Turkey] in Yagci, M. and Bakir, C. eds., (pp.11-19). Çin Bilmecesi: Çin’in Ekonomik Yükselişi, Uluslararası İlişkilerde Dönüşüm ve Türkiye [The Chinese Puzzle: The Economic Rise of China, Transformations in International Relations, and Turkey ] Istanbul: Koc University Press.

  8. Akgunay, S. Coban, K. and Bakir, C. (2018). 2008 Küresel Finans Krizi Sonrası Türkiye’de Makro İhtiyati Düzenlemeler ve Para Politikası” (Macroprudential regulation and monetary policy in Turkey following the 2008 Global Financial Crisis) in Babaoglu, C. and Akman, E. eds., (pp.457-490). Kamu Politikasi Analizi Turkiye Uygulamalari [Public Policy Analysis: The Turkish Practice]. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.

  9. Bakir, C. and Ertan, G. (2018). “Pushing the Pendulum from Politics to Policy: The State of Policy Analysis in Turkey”,  in Bakir, C. and Ertan, G. eds. (pp.1-16) Policy Analysis in Turkey. Bristol: University of Bristol Policy Press. 

  10. Bakir, C. and Coban, K. (2018). “Policy Analysis in the Central Bank”, in Bakir, C. and Ertan, G. eds. (pp.215-234) Policy Analysis in Turkey. Bristol: University of Bristol Policy Press.

  11. Bakir, C. and Jarvis, D. (2018). “Institutional and Policy Change: Meta-theory and Method” in Bakir, C. and Jarvis, D. eds. (pp.1-38) Institutional Entrepreneurship and Policy Change: Theoretical and Empirical Explorations. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

  12. Bakir, C. and Woods, J. (2018). “Inward FDI negotiation and the bargaining power of corporations”, in Nolke, A. and May, C. eds. (279-294) The Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation (Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy Series). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

  13. Bakir, C. and Acur, N. (2017). “Turkish Multinationals in Russia”, Liuhto, K., Sutyrin, S. ve Blanchard, J. eds.(pp.213-229) The Russian Economy and Foreign Direct Investment (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy). London: Routledge.

  14. Brenan, L., and Bakir, C. (2016). “Introducing Emerging Country Multinationals in Europe”, in Brennan, L. and Bakir, C. eds. (pp.3-9), Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe. London: Routledge.

  15. Bakir, C. and Brenan, L. (2016). “Emerging market multinationals in Europe: what have we learnt?” in Brennan, L.  and Bakir, C. eds. (pp.249-256), Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe. London: Routledge.

  16. Bakir, C. and Acur, N. (2016). “Greenfield Investments and Acquisitions of Turkish Multinationals: Trends, Motivations and Strategies”, in Brennan, L.  and Bakir, C. eds. (pp.129-156), Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe. London: Routledge.

  17. Bakir, C. (2014). “Wobbling but still on its feet: Turkish Economy in a World of Global Financial Crisis” in S. Verney, A. Bosco and M.C. Lobo eds, Southern Europe and the Financial Earthquake: Coping with the First Phase of the International Crisis. London: Routledge. (Bakir 2009 reprinted)

  18. Bakir, C. and Caliskan, C (2013). “The “Global Companies and Emerging Market Countries” in John Mikler eds. (pp.227-238) The Handbook of Global Companies, Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell.

  19. Senses, F., Onis, Z. and Bakir, C. 2013. Introduction, (pp. 7-16), New World Order Following the Global Economic Crisis. Ankara: Iletisim Yayinlari (in Turkish).

  20. Bakir, C. (2011). “A Southern Multinational and an Emerging European State in an Entry Bargaining Process” in Louis Brennan eds., (pp. 342-364), The Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

  21. Bakir, C. (2008). “Central Banks”, The Encyclopedia of Global Business in Jan Katz eds. Sage: New York and London.

  22. Bakir, C. (2008). “Bond Markets”, in Phil O’Hara ed., (pp.28-39), International Encyclopedia of Public Policy: Governance in a Global Age. Global Political Economy Research Unit, Perth.

  23. Bakir, C. (2008). “Governor or Chair of Central Bank”, in Phil O’Hara, ed., (pp.505-514), International Encyclopaedia of Public Policy: Governance in a Global Age. Global Political Economy Research Unit, Perth.

  24. Bakir, C. (2006). “Governance by Supranational Interdependence: Domestic Policy Change in the Turkish Financial Services Industry” in Jonathan Batten and Colm Kearney eds., (pp. 179-211), Emerging European Financial Markets: Independence and Integration Post- Enlargement. London: Elsevier.

  25. Bakir, C. and Brown, K. (2004). “Turkey”, in Jonathan Batten et al., (pp. 431-448), European Fixed Income Markets: Money, Bond and Interest Rate Derivatives. London and New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Articles in Non-SSCI Journals

  1. Bakir, C. (2012). “Organisational Change in the Finance Bureaucracy and the Establishment of Turkish Tax Inspection Board”, TODAİE s Review of Public Administration 6(2):105-134. (Bakir 2012 reprinted)

  2. Bakir, C. (2006). Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası’nın 1930-2001 Arasında Siyasal ve Ekonomik Bağımsızlığı: Siyasal–Ekonomik Etkileşime İlişkin Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çözümleme (The Political and Economic Independence of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey between 1930-2001: A Comparative Analysis), METU Studies in Development, 33(1), 1-31.

  3. Bakir, C. (2005).”Turkey: En Route to Meet the Challenging Maastricht Criteria?”, Studia Europaea, L, 2-3, 233-238.

  4. Bakir, C. (2005). “Merkez Bankasi Baskanlari: Yerel ve Uluslararasi Bir Karsilastirma” (Central Bank Governors: A Comparative Analysis), Finans-Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 499, 21-29.

  5. Bakir, C. (2005). “Merkez Bankasi Bagimsizligi, Hesap verebilirligi ve Saydamligi: TCMB Uygulamasi ve Uluslararasi Bir Karsilastirma” (Central Bank Independence, Accountability and Transparency: A Comparative Study of the Central Bank of Republic of Turkey), Iktisat, Isletme ve Finans, 233, 20-36.

  6. Bakir, C. (2004).”Bank Powers and Public Resistance to Mega Bank Mergers”, Journal of Australian Political Economy, 54, 67-93.


  1. Bakir, C. Report of the Special Commission on Foreign Economic Relations for 9th Economic Development Plan (9’uncu Ekonomik Kalkınma Planı için oluşturulan Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu), State Planning Organization, Ankara. June 2006.